Should you need a replacement card in between renewals, we can take care of that for you at your local Cornerstone Bank. A small fee may apply.
What are the benefits of a debit Mastercard®?
- Your Debit MasterCardยฎ comes with many benefits! To see complete information on each benefit, view the Guide to Benefits at the following links.
- To enroll in Mastercardยฎ’s Identity Theft Protection, click here: ID Theft Protection
- Please call 1-800-MASTERCARDยฎ (1-800-627-8372) with any benefit questions.
Can I set up email or text alerts?
Yes. Alerts can be set up to notify you of certain activity on your account. To setup alerts, log-in to online banking, click on Alerts in the top right corner of the screen, choose the type of alert and click on set up new alert. You will be prompted to choose a category, type of alert, which account you wish to have alerts on and whether to be notified by email or text.
Lost/stolen debit card?
- If your checks or debit card are lost or stolen, please report it immediately to Cornerstone Bank at 888-297-2100.
- To report a lost or stolen debit card after hours, please call 800-472-3272.
- Replacement cards are available at your local Cornerstone Bank.